Friday, February 1, 2008

Close the Loop

What does that mean? It means purchasing products that are created from and packaged using recycled materials.

When you buy these items, you are saving water and energy. It takes a lot of water, oil and energy to create a new plastic bottle. But it takes a lot less water and energy to melt down that bottle and create another one. It's the same thing with toilet paper. Lots of trees are cut down, lots of water and energy are used to make virgin-fiber toilet paper. But if you buy the 100% recycled toilet paper (Seventh Generation's is soft), you are saving all of those trees and lots of water and energy.

It just takes a moment to look at the label on the packaging to see if it was made with recycled materials and if the packaging was recycled. The higher the post-consumer content, the greater the environmental savings. Post-consumer content tells us how much of the items you and I recycle are used in the making of that product or packaging.

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