Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Energy-Saving Gifts

TerraPass has lots of great items for girls and guys -- check them out here.

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Fair Trade for the Holidays

Here's a link to some fair trade products you may be interested in giving as gifts.

You'd actually be giving in 2 ways - to the person receiving the gift and to the people who produced the item.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Decorating Green

LED lights save lots of energy and illuminate your house just as brightly. Home Depot has many types of LED holiday lights to choose from. Michaels Arts & Crafts has some too.

I read an article the other day about Christmas trees. The argument was that live trees are more environmentally friendly than the pre-lit plastic and metal ones you buy in the stores. The live Christmas trees at farms are grown for this purpose. After use, they can be ground into mulch or used as a hiding place for fish in lakes. Some trees with root balls can be planted after the holidays are over. Here's a good article at National Geographic's Green Guide web site about this.

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Green Gifts

It's easier than you might think to find green gifts. Check out Co-op America's web site to find lots of companies who conduct business in an environmentally responsible way. And they have lots of cool stuff too!

Another great place to find eco-friendly gifts is www.uncommgoods.com.

Check out Green Living for more ideas.

And anything produced locally is fantastic because it cuts down on transportation costs and helps the local economy. So craft fairs and making your own gifts are options you may want to consider.

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Wrapping Ideas for the Holidays

I've been thinking about all of the waste associated with wrapping presents and have come up with a few ideas that you may want to adopt or expand upon.

Brown paper shopping bags make great wrapping paper -- so do newspapers -- and leftover fabric.

We're saving cereal boxes and other types of boxes to place gifts inside.

Packing peanuts and bubble wrap are saved and reused.

I was in Target today and found that most of their wrapping paper is Made in the U.S.A.
I haven't found a place that has recycled wrapping paper, but Hallmark stores have 3 styles of 'green' holiday cards. They are made from post-consumer recycled paper and sugar cane fibers. I was so excited when I found them!

What earth-friendly ideas can you come up with? We'd love to hear about them.

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